Top Three Origin Theories of the Universe and Implications

The top three origin theories purport to explain the origins of the universe and all which it contains. These three truly include all other sub-theories. It is remarkable to boil all science, philosophy, and religion down into three top etiological theories. This makes it worthy of at the least a quick exploration to understand each theory and implications. Truly, your cosmological view shapes and logically determines your worldview. For another article on origins, see Universe Origins and Implications?

Steady State Theory and Implications

First, the Steady State theory was very popular from 1948 to 1964. The Steady State theory essentially maintained the universe was eternal. It held the universe had no beginning or end; and continually replaced old stars and galaxies by creating new ones. Therefore, the universe maintained a state of dynamic equilibrium. Observed counts of radio sources and properties of the cosmic microwave background proved it false and inconsistent.

More detail. Fred Hoyle, Tommy Gold, and Hermann Bondi believed the universe was unchanging, but dynamic. The Steady State does not explain the change in the universe over time (ever expanding and unable to maintain a constant average density). Scientists observe the opposite, an accelerated expansion. Scientists also have not observed the creation of any new visible matter.

Cambridge radio astronomer Martin Ryle demonstrated there were more radio galaxies farther away than nearby, proving the universe has changed (contrary to the Steady State). By observing the cosmic microwave background, two NASA scientists disproved the Steady State and its models in 1964. The Steady State theory was popular because if the universe is eternal, you do not have to explain its origin.

Implications. Since the universe is scientifically proven temporal (not eternal; had a beginning), someone or something had to create the universe. And by the way, the universe began prior to time’s existence (as time started with universe’s matter and movement related to a fixed object related to another object—the reason we refer to our 24-hour day as a solar day). The remaining two leading origin theories both believe the universe had a beginning, based on science.

Big Bang Theory and Implications

The Big Bang theory is now very popular. The Big Bang theory says an eternal, powerful, non-living, impersonal, material substance exploded and is expanding, and evolved into everything in existence today. It of course, never attempts to answer who or what is the powerful Big Banger, or where this “singularity” originated. It does not explain what this matter was. Nor does it explain where it was (where did the space for its existence originate). Nor does it explain when it was (before time existed).

The Big Bang theory attempts to reduce everything down to mere natural laws, but does not explain where these laws originated or why these universal laws (never observed to be violated) exist. It also is inconceivable that the theorized Big Bang created a universe that continues to change, but denies these universal laws (e.g., abiogenesis, biogenesis, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, death, etc.).

Additionally, the evolutionary assumptions required by the Big Bang believe eternal dead matter created life, eternal impersonal matter created personal beings, that chaos produced order, design, fine-tuning, etc. These are all contrary to every cause and effect and scientific method of what has been observable, testable, and repeatable throughout history.

Implications. This logically necessitates a first cause and beginning of the initial material had to be immaterial or it would create an infinite regression. The Big Bang theory only addresses a proposed methodology subsequent to the first cause. It is wholly inadequate to address the origins of universe. The origins of the universe (the initial material or singularity) still must be answered for Big Bang believers.

NASA image of the eye of God
NASA image of the eye of God

Creation Theory and Implications

The Creation theory has always been and continues to be the most popular theory world-wide. It says an eternal, powerful, living, immaterial person created our universe’s space, matter, and time with all that is observed today. It consistently validates cause and effect, when life comes from a living being. This logically consistent effect is further demonstrated by consciousness, sentience, emotional, and volitional people emanating from a personal being. It is consistent that design, purpose, and fine-tuning originate from a purposeful wise designer. It fittingly explains the immaterial existence of love and hate, good and evil, etc. as well as the material, and the beginning of space and time.

Implications. Creation by an eternal, powerful, living, immaterial person best explains the origins of the universe. No other theory is scientific and logically adequate to explain the existence of the universe and the nature and likeness of mankind. Why not believe in God and His Word, which the vast majority consider the truth.

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