InstructionsPersonal Balance Rating (PBR). Are you an imperfect 0 or a perfect 10? Are you balanced in all 7 domain spaces? What is your PBR? What is the PBR of your potential mate, student, friend, or child? What is your combined rating of all 7 SPESIFA (Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Financial, and Aesthetic) domain spaces? Which domain space should you focus on to help you improve the most? Please rate yourself or other person by entering a number from 0-10 (up to 1 decimal point, e.g. 2.5, 8).1. Spiritually (Eternally saved, trusting obedience, consistent Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, giving...)? *2. Physically (Attractiveness, fit, healthy, coordinated...)? *3. Emotionally (Stability, self-control, determination, resiliency, motivation, acceptance, fun, laughter...)? *4. Socially (Healthy relationships, appropriate boundaries, ease in all settings, comfortable communication, hospitable, romantic...)? *5. Intellectually (IQ, degrees, curious, continuous learning...)? *6. Financially (No debts, lots of $, earning lots, good career, lots of assets, gives lots, able to retire...)? *7. Aesthetically (Appreciation of beauty, musicality-plays instrument(s), sings, artistic-drawing, painting...)? *Spiritual %Physical %Emotional %Social %Intellectual %Financial %Aesthetics %BPR Total (out of 10)BPR Total %Send MessagePlease do not fill in this field. Your Reaction? +1 1 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 Facebook Twitter Email