InstructionsBiblical Principles (Agreement and Lifestyle consistency) Instructions: Each question has 2 responses. First, what percentage (%) do you "Agree" with the statement? Secondly, what percentage (%) do you "Live" consistently with the statement? Your honest responses determine the reliability of this survey.#1-Life1. Murder is wrong, and murders should be put to death (Exo. 20:13; Deu. 5:17; Num. 35:16-18).#1L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1L-Lifestyle *Lifestyle (consistent with) Percentage#2-Life2. Killing to defend a life when required, is honorable, even loving when protecting life (Gen. 9:5-6; cf. Joh. 15:13).#2L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3-Life3. Human life is more valuable than animals, which people may eat (Gen. 9:3, 6; 1Th. 4:3-4).#3L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4-Life4. If human life starts at conception, it would be murder to abort (cf. Psa. 139:13, 16; Jer. 1:5; Isa. 44:24).#4L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5-Life5. Taking the life of the sick, aged, or disabled against their will is murder (Deu. 5:17; 27:25).#5L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#6-Life6. Suicide is self-murder, and we should try to help and prevent it (Exo. 20:13; Mat. 5:21).#6L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#6L-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageLIFE: Agreement PercentLIFE: Lifestyle Percent#1-Truth1. Lying or being a false witness is wrong (Exo. 20:16; Deu. 5:20).#1T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1T-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2-Truth2. Truth (true honesty, not deception) aligns with reality, regardless of my perception of the truth (cf. Pro. 11:9; Gal. 6:3).#2T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2T-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3-Truth3. Negative deception distorts perspectives and motives, so is wrong and manipulative (Pro. 12:5, 17, 20; 26:26).#3T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3T-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4-Truth4. Words can heal, hurt, or be wasted; healing words build up so are best (Psa. 107:20; Jer. 15:18; Rom. 14:19; 1Th. 5:11).#4T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4T-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5-Truth5. Cursing is wrong, including using God's name in vain {even vainly using God's name with slang words or acronyms} (Exo. 20:7; Deu. 5:11; Psa. 10:7; 59:12; Jam. 3:10).#5T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5T-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#6-Truth6. God is true; truth is absolutely true; absolute truth exists (Psa. 31:5; John 14:6; 1Jo. 5:6).#6T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#6T-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#7-Truth7. Truth should be communicated (even hard truths), but always in love (Eph. 4:15; 2Th. 2:10).#7T-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#7T-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageTRUTH: Agreement PercentTRUTH: Lifestyle Percent#1-Property1. Stealing is wrong {even stealing an answer is wrong, its cheating} (Exo. 20:15; Deu. 5:19).#1P-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1P-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2-Property2. Coveting/envying things others have is wrong (Exo. 20:17; Deu. 5:21).#2P-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2P-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3-Property3. It is better to give, than to receive (Acts 20:35).#3P-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3P-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4-Property4. It is better to lend, than to borrow (Pro. 22:7; Deu. 15:6).#4P-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4P-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5-Property5. It is best not to owe anyone anything, but love (Rom. 13:8).#5P-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5P-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentagePROPERTY: Agreement PercentPROPERTY: Lifestyle Percent#1W-Work1. If you are able, you should work to provide or support those providing your food/needs (Gal. 6:5; 1Th. 4:11; 2Th. 3:10-12).#1W-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1W-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2W-Work2. You will reap, what you sow (Gal. 6:7, 9-10).#2W-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2W-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3W-Work3. If you work harder, you will be more productive, and have more to keep and give (cf. Pro. 16:26; 22:29; Eph. 4:28).#3W-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3W-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4W-Work4. The wise work hard preparing for the future, when they might be unable to work (Pro. 6:6-8).#4W-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4W-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5W-Work5. There is personal satisfaction, from results of work performed well (cf. Gal. 6:4).#5W-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5W-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#6W-Work6. Laziness or not working, normally leads to poverty (Pro. 6:9-11).#6W-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#6W-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageWORK: Agreement PercentWORK: Lifestyle Percent#1F-Family1. Marriage should only be with 1-man and 1-woman for life, unless a spouse dies (Gen. 2:24-25).#1F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2F-Family2. Marrying more than 1-spouse is wrong, if the prior spouse hasn't died (Gen. 2:24-25; Rom. 7:3).#2F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3F-Family3. Any adultery is wrong (Exo. 20:14; Deu. 5:18).#3F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4F-Family4. Any sex outside of marriage (fornication) is wrong (1Co. 6:18; 7:2; 10:8; 1Th. 4:3).#4F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5F-Family5. Any homosexual (gay) sex is wrong (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27).#5F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#6F-Family6. Family's are best when the father and mother love and live together (cf. Psa. 68:6; Pro. 1:8; 31:28).#6F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#6F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#7F-Family7. Any pornography is wrong (Mat. 5:28).#7F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#7F-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#8F-Family8. It is wrong for a person to wear the clothes of the opposite sex/cross dress (Deu. 22:5).#8F-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#8F-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageFAMILY: Agreement PercentFAMILY: Lifestyle Percent#1A-Authority1. God blesses those who love and obey Him (Deu. 11:13-15; 30:16; Job 36:11-12; Jer. 7:23; 26:13; 42:6).#1A-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1A-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2A-Authority2. Parents should be obeyed, respected, and honored (Exo. 20:12; Deu. 5:16; Eph. 6:1; Col. 3:20).#2A-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2A-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3A-Authority3. Government should be obeyed, when not contradicting God (Rom. 13:1-7; Acts 5:29).#3A-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3A-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4A-Authority4. Employers should be obeyed, when not contradicting God (Col. 3:22; Acts 5:29).#4A-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4A-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5A-Authority5. All authorities should be obeyed, except when contrary to God's Word (Tit. 3:1; Heb. 13:17; Acts 5:29).#5A-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5A-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageAUTHORITY: Agreement PercentAUTHORITY: Lifestyle Percent#1-Love1. Love never fails, is best, and eternal (1Co. 13:8, 13).#1L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2-Love2. You should love God, God is love, and He loves you (Deu. 6:5; Mar. 12:30; 1Jo. 4:11-12, 16).#2L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3-Love3. You should love family (Eph. 5:28; Tit. 2:4).#3L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4-Love4. You should love friends and neighbors (Luk. 10:27; 1Jo. 4:7-8).#4L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5-Love5. You should love everyone, even enemies, though difficult (Mat. 5:44; Luk. 6:27, 35).#5L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#6-Love6. Love is patient, kind, humble, unselfish, thinks no evil, and is not quickly angered (1Co. 13:4-5).#6L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#6L-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#7-Love7. Sometimes the greatest love, requires tough actions or words (Pro. 27:6; Rom. 12:9; Jer. 9:5; Eph. 4:15).#7L-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#7L-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageLOVE: Agreement PercentLOVE: Lifestyle Percent#1S-Spiritual1. I know I am eternally saved and will spend eternity in heaven with Christ (1Jo. 5:11-13).#1S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#1S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#2S-Spiritual2. Eternal salvation is only by grace through faith in Christ's finished work alone, and not by any of my own works (John 19:30; Eph. 2:8-9).#2S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#2S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#3S-Spiritual3. I have dedicated my life to God's glory; I have made Christ Lord of my life (Rom. 12:1-2; Jos. 24:15).#3S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#3S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#4S-Spiritual4. I have been water baptized after I was eternally saved (not for salvation), but in obedience to Christ as a testimony of my salvation (Mat. 28:19; 1Co. 12:12-13; 1Co. 1:14-17).#4S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#4S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#5S-Spiritual5. I daily read, study, and apply God's Word (not just what others say about It) to gain understanding for a Godly life and for God's approval (Acts 17:11; 1Ti. 4:13; 2Ti. 2:15).#5S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#5S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#6S-Spiritual6. I pray daily and try to keep my heart and mind in continual prayer for God's will to be done (1Th. 5:17; 1Ti. 2:1; Mat. 6:9-13).#6S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#6S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#7S-Spiritual7. I am a faithful member, weekly attending, worshipping, fellowshipping, and giving about 10% of my income to my local church (Heb. 10:25; 1Jo. 1:6-7; Psa. 29:2).#7S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#7S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#8S-Spiritual8. I am unashamed, ready, and regularly share the great news of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Mar. 16:15; Rom. 1:16; 2Ti. 1:8).#8S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#8S-Lifestyle *Agreement Percentage#9S-Spiritual9. I consistently use God's gifting to love and serve Christ and to edify other believers (Eph. 6:7; Col. 1:10; 1Co. 14:12).#9S-Agreement *Agreement Percentage#9S-Lifestyle *Agreement PercentageSPIRITUAL: Agreement PercentSPIRITUAL: Lifestyle Percent-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL: Agreement PercentTOTAL: Lifestyle PercentSubmitPlease do not fill in this field. Your Reaction? +1 1 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 Facebook Twitter Email