Reformed Theology-Calvinism?

Reformed Theology-Calvinism? What even is Calvinism? Probably one of the most divisive Theological discussions are debates on Calvinism vs Arminianism. This separates many churches. Most proponents or opponents erect straw-men and then completely blow them away. This is often so intellectually dishonest that it is difficult to understand the true positions of some critical Theology related to God’s work in saving man. Are you a Calvinist or Reformed in your Theology? Do you know how many points of Calvinism you hold? One of the most sincere, concise, and Scriptural conversations on this topic is called “Adrian Rogers and Reformed Theology” (An article by Michael R Spradlin). Dr. Rogers masterfully discusses TULIP, Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, not being a 5-Point Calvinist, and how these generally have had a negative impact on missionary motivation, hence evangelistic fervor. Michael R. Spradlin recalls Dr. Rogers stated, “Any theology that lessens a hot heart for souls is defective.” The Scriptures cited are clear, relevant, and make a well-written Biblical case for what God has to say on this important doctrine. If you only read one thing on Calvinism, I would recommend this fantastic blog.

My Comment Posted on Michael R Spradlin’s site: By far one of the best and most concise summaries of Hyper-Calvinism and the Biblical position. I love Dr. Adrian Rogers’ passion for soul-winning and his emphasizing how Reformed Theology does impact missionary motivation to share the gospel with a lost and dying world. I only had one area I disagree or would need further clarification. Dr. Roger’s says, “I do not believe that we could have faith unless God gave it to us.” {I do NOT believe God gave us the faith. I believe He created us in His image and likeness with the personal and moral ability to choose to believe, or exercise our faith one way or the other. I believe God’s Spirit miraculously draws all and gives enough life and light to all to trust Him. Most reject (blaspheme the Spirit), some receive Him (receive the Spirit). I do not believe God makes our choice for us and then condemns us for His choice (or His not giving us the faith).} Fantastic article, well worth the read and deep contemplation.

Another great set of resources I’ve written includes a teacher’s lesson, student handout, and presentation slides ($3.49 for all). They briefly provide each point of Calvinism vs Arminianism, History, and Scriptural support for each position. It is great to teach from, understand, and come to grips with one of the most controversial Theological debates still splitting churches today.

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  1. Ron

    A Bible teacher friend of mine was rightly emphasizing that many great Christians disagree on the points of Calvinism. So, each of us should show love and respect while sharpening our Theological hearts and minds (not knives). For additional verses and rationale regarding the 5 points of Calvinism (TULIP). See my Top 10 Bible Doctrines book (ULI- last paragraph on p.57-63; T- last paragraph on p.101-102; and P- first paragraph on p.117-124). See my top 3 book links and descriptions at

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