Celebrating Christmas

  1. What does Christmas celebrate?  {Jesus Christ’s Birth, the 1st Advent, the 1st Coming of Christ. Christ comes from the Hebrew word Messiah or “anointed One” (as King) and Mass from the Latin word missa meaning “sent” or a celebration of Christ’s sent body and blood from God, pointing to His purpose for coming to take on flesh, as He was sent as the God-man, to die.}
  2. When did Rome make Christmas a world-wide holiday? {336 AD. Many countries have Christmas as a national holiday.} 
  3. When did America make Christmas a national holiday? {1870.} 
  4. Do you think many Christians celebrated Christmas before these holidays?  {Yes, of course, for as long as birthdays have been celebrated.} 
  5. Why did America make Christmas a national holiday? {To honor Christ, and because so many Christians took off work to celebrate the birth of Christ, so almost everyone took off and businesses shut down before it was a federal holiday.} 
  6. Do you think many that do not know Jesus still celebrate Christmas?   {Yes. A 2017 Christmas Pew Research Center Poll showed 90% of Americans celebrate Christmas; but their 2020 poll showed only 65% of Americans still claim to be Christian.} 
  7. What do you think a non-Christian’s Christmas celebration looks like?  {External decorations, gifts, family, Santa, elves, trees, snowmen, parties, eating, drinking, travel, attractions…not a sobering focus of Who Christ is and why He came, and what that eternally means…} 
  8. John 3:16-21 says, “16-For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17-For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. 18-He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19-And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil. 20-For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21-But he that doeth truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
  9. Have you believed in Jesus Christ to save you from your sins? {Yes. I pray you have so that you are not condemned to Hell away from such a loving God, and can sincerely celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.} 
  10. How about clearly demonstrating Who and why you celebrate Christmas, by what you celebrate this year?  {You could have a birthday cake and have everyone sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. You can display manager scenes or pictures and talk about what Jesus means to each person. You could read the Christmas story (e.g. Luke 2:1-14 or 1-21). You can play and sing Christmas hymns and music or go caroling. You can purchase ornaments that tell the Christmas story or hang one each day leading up to Christmas. You could have daily Advent devotions privately or with the family, or could discuss the many names of Jesus (maybe start with those in Isaiah 9:6). You can pray and thank “God for His unspeakable gift” (2Co. 9:15)–Jesus Christ. You could make Christmas cookies together talking about Jesus. There are so many things to do that demonstrate Who and what you celebrate at Christmas. As believing Christians, we have a lot to celebrate. Foremost, is that God took on flesh, died to pay our punishment for our sins, was buried, rose again, ascended to heaven, and is coming again to take all who believe in Jesus to heaven for all eternity. Does that sound like some great news to celebrate this Christmas? It is the greatest, and we can celebrate Jesus Christ every day. Christmas is a celebration of Christ, and His birth. Let’s celebrate Christ at Christmas and show what He means to us by honoring Him at His birth.}
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  1. Gay Nyberg

    Yes, His Name is Wonderful! It is Jesus, not only the “reason for the season,” but for every season! Great reminders for us all are in this blog! Thank you!

  2. Christopher

    Such a spirit-filled post! Thank you for sharing Jesus with us and the true meaning of Christmas. We plan on enacting some of these ideas this Christmas to set the tone for the Christmas season as a time of reflection and contemplation upon the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is amazing that our infinite God took on flesh to dwell among us, but more than that he chose to live as a suffering servant and endure ridicule, scorn, and agonizing death to purchase our salvation. This is our Wonderful Counselor, this our Mighty God. What a joyous privilege we are able to say Enmanuel! God is with us. May we be encouraged and empowered by the Holy Spirit to testify to what we have seen and heard this Christmas.
    1 Peter 1:8

    1. Ron

      So well said and true. Thanks for sharing your heart and inspirational thoughts about Jesus Christ our Savior. Your post makes me want to speak of Him more this Christmas!

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