Ron Nyberg, Ph.D.

Ron Nyberg

Work Summary: >30 yrs in IT, Management, Business, Teaching, and Writing. 20+ years supporting and managing multi-million dollar commercial and government markets including NASA (all centers), DoD (all branches), and Police. Strategized, captured, proposed, wrote, and won $24B, transitioned >$4B, was Sr. Program Manager optimizing >$1B.

Work Experience: Owner/CEO (current), President (8 years; largest $419M, 475 employees), NASA/DoD/Special Ops Program Manager (10+ years; largest $587M, 580 employees), CTO, VP, GM, Chief Scientist, IT Director, Enterprise Architect, Advisory Systems Engineer, Author, Professor (College & University).

Education/Awards: Ph.D. Univ of North Texas (GPA: 4.0/4.0)-Higher Ed./ Computer Science and Cognitive Systems, language tool Greek (1996), M.A. Dallas Theological Seminary (3.77/4.0)-Biblical Studies/Bible Exposition (1985), B.S. Bryan College (3.26/4.0)–Education (1983), A.A. GTE TELOPS-Marketing/ Management (1991); A.S. GTE TELOPS-Technical/ Computer Science (1994); Sec. Ed. Teacher Certification (State of TN); Teacher Certification (Assoc. of Christian Schools); Agile, Six Sigma/LEAN, IT, & Technical Certifications; Sunday School teacher (>35 yrs); Taught elementary, middle, high school, & universities; Corp. Training Instructor, Learning Resource Ctr. Coordinator, & Assoc. Degree Evaluator (GTE/Verizon); Pastor, Board Member (Corp. & Stepping Stones-Church Planting ministry); Primary Patent Holder; Featured in Smithsonian Institute for Innovative Tech Advancements; received Character & Humanitarian Awards; Published Author (books and articles; Top 10 Bible Doctrines, Revelation Revealed: Of Jesus Christ & Things Soon to Come, Galatians: Bewitched or Be Free-used by professors, pastors, teachers…); Bible & Theology Professor (Trinity Bible College & Legacy Christian University).

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